Mississippi County Treasurer
Candice Nichols
The county treasurer is the disbursement officer of the county. The treasurer is responsible for the custody and disbursement of all county funds and school district funds. The treasurer, therefore, receives county property tax collections, county sales tax collections, county turnback funds, grant funds, fees, and fines from other county officials and departments and revenues from various other sources. After receiving this revenue, the Treasurer distributes the money to the various taxing entities and the other units of the county.
The county treasurer signs checks, prepared by financial management, indicating that the expenditure has been authorized by the county court, to pay employees and creditors of the county. The treasurer is also investment office for the county. The law requires the county treasurer to make timely investments of public funds in order to earn optimum interest.
Contact: treasurer@mississippicountyar.org
Melissa Cook - Chief Deputy Treasurer
County Treasurer's Office
(To send an email, click name)
Accounts Payable & Inventory - Leslie Lawrence
Finance Management - Kelli Jones
Payroll & Insurance - Rhonda Suthern
For information regarding county financials, click here: Financials
Office Hours: Monday - Friday (9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.)
200 West Walnut, Room 207
Blytheville, AR 72315
Phone: (870) 762-2152
Fax: (870) 762-4503